Guidance to Take Care of your Trailing Indoor Plants

Guidance to Take Care of your Trailing Indoor Plants


Trailing indoor plants brings a little bit of the charm of nature indoors in addition to being stunning accents to your interior design. Any area is made more serene and soft by their cascading greenery. But maintaining this fragile beauty calls for some thought and work. Read further to know how to take care of your trailing indoor plants in NZ.


About Online Plants 

Plant lovers throughout New Zealand can find what they’re looking for in various indoor and outdoor plants at Online Plants. We guarantee the health and vitality of all plants upon arrival by sourcing them from respected nurseries, which is part of our dedication to quality and customer happiness. With its user-friendly website and nationwide delivery service, we offer a quick and hassle-free buying experience for anybody looking for everyday favourites or uncommon varieties, pots, or accessories for plant care. With Online Plants, embrace the organic beauty of both indoor and outdoor plants and experience the delight of tending to your very own green haven.


Understanding Trailing Indoor Plants

Before diving into maintenance advice, you must know what trailing indoor plants are and the types you may encounter. Long, vine-like stems that softly drop down from their pots or hanging baskets are the defining feature of trailing plants. Pothos, philodendrons, spider plants, and string of pearls are a few common examples.


Guidance to Care for Your Trailing Indoor Plants

Although it takes some time and patience, growing trailing indoor plants may be a rewarding experience. The following crucial pointers will assist you in taking care of trailing indoor plants in NZ and keep them strong and healthy:

  1. Light: 
  • In general, trailing plants prefer bright, indirect light. Put them close to windows to get filtered light all day.
  • They should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which can scorch their fragile leaves.
  1. Watering: 
  • Trailing plants require proper watering to be healthy. However, ensure that the top inch of soil is dry before watering. 
  • Make careful to water the pot well, letting the water run off the bottom without clogging the pot.
  • Adapt the watering frequency according to the surrounding conditions, such as humidity and temperature.
  1. Humidity: 
  • Moderately humid conditions are ideal for the growth of trailing plants. You can increase the humidity levels by spraying the foliage or keeping a humidifier near the plant.
  • Plants grouped may also produce a microclimate with greater relative humidity.
  1. Soil: 
  • Use a potting mix that drains well and is high in organic matter for your trailing indoor plants in NZ. Peat moss, perlite, and compost combined are a good combination.
  • Repot trailing plants as needed gives them plenty of room to establish roots and replenish the soil’s nutrients.
  1. Maintenance and Pruning: 
  • Trailing plants benefit from regular pruning, which keeps them healthy and healthy. Trim any lanky stems and get rid of any dead or fading leaves.
  • To grow new plants or revitalise old ones, propagate healthy cuttings.
  1. Support: 
  • Use ornamental hooks, trellises, or supports to support trailing plants. It promotes upward development and keeps the stems from becoming twisted.
  1. Pest and Disease Management: 
  • Look for signs of pests on your trailing plants, such as mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites. Treat pests with natural or chemical solutions as soon as you can.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, keep the airflow surrounding your plants sufficient.


Where to Buy

Online Plants is an excellent option if you’re looking for trailing indoor plants in NZ because it offers many advantages. First, Online Plants obtains its plants from reliable nurseries, guaranteeing each plant’s best quality and health. It ensures that you will receive healthy, strong specimens ready to add beauty to any indoor area.

Furthermore, various trailing indoor plant species and kinds are available from Online Plants to accommodate a wide range of needs and tastes. You can discover the ideal plant for your interior design, whether looking for a traditional Pothos or a striking String of Pearls.

Additionally, purchasing from us is easy and convenient. Our website is quite user-friendly; you can browse an extensive collection, look through detailed plant descriptions, and safely make purchases all from the comfort of your home. Thanks to nationwide service, you can be confident that your trailing indoor plants will arrive in top condition no matter where you are in New Zealand.



One rewarding method to enjoy the beauty of nature indoors is to take careful care of trailing indoor plants in NZ. You can cultivate the ideal conditions for your plants to flourish and enjoy their lush, flowing leaves for many years if you take the advice and ideas here to heart. To guarantee your plants’ continuous health and vigour, check on them frequently and modify your maintenance schedule as necessary. Cheers to your successful gardening endeavours!

Benefits of Plants in the Workplace: Boosting Productivity and Well-being

Benefits of Plants in the Workplace: Boosting Productivity and Well-being

In the bustling world of modern offices, where screens glow and keyboards clack incessantly, the presence of lush greenery might seem like a luxury rather than a necessity. However, research suggests that integrating plants into the workplace can yield significant benefits, ranging from enhanced productivity to improved employee well-being. Let’s delve into how the simple addition of plants can transform office spaces into vibrant, healthy environments conducive to both work and personal flourishing.

  1. Boosted Productivity

The mere sight of greenery can work wonders for concentration and focus. Studies have consistently shown that the presence of plants in office environments leads to heightened productivity among employees. Natural elements, such as indoor plants, can help reduce stress and mental fatigue, allowing workers to maintain higher levels of concentration over extended periods. Furthermore, plants contribute to a visually appealing workspace, which can positively impact mood and motivation, consequently enhancing overall performance.

  1. Improved Air Quality

One of the most well-known benefits of indoor plants is their ability to purify the air by removing harmful toxins and increasing oxygen levels. In today’s sealed office environments, where pollutants from furniture, electronics, and cleaning products can accumulate, incorporating plants can serve as a natural air filtration system. This leads to cleaner, fresher air, which, in turn, reduces the risk of respiratory issues and promotes better health among employees. By breathing cleaner air, individuals experience increased vitality and alertness, translating into improved productivity and well-being.

  1. Enhanced Mental Health

The presence of plants has been linked to various mental health benefits, including reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. Nature has a calming effect on the human psyche, and indoor plants bring a touch of the outdoors into the office environment, creating a more tranquil and harmonious atmosphere. Employees who are surrounded by greenery report lower levels of stress and higher job satisfaction, leading to a more positive work experience. Additionally, caring for plants can instill a sense of responsibility and accomplishment, further contributing to psychological well-being.

  1. Increased Creativity

Creative thinking is a valuable asset in any workplace, and plants can play a role in fostering innovation and imagination. Research indicates that exposure to natural elements can stimulate creativity and problem-solving skills. By incorporating plants into the office design, employers can encourage employees to think outside the box and approach tasks from new perspectives. Furthermore, biophilic design, which emphasizes connections to nature, has been shown to inspire creativity and improve cognitive function, making it an ideal strategy for boosting innovation in the workplace.

  1. Enhanced Team Dynamics

Plants have the remarkable ability to bring people together and create a sense of community within the workplace. Shared plant care responsibilities can foster collaboration and camaraderie among colleagues, leading to stronger team dynamics and a more cohesive work environment. Moreover, tending to plants can serve as a shared interest or hobby that employees can bond over, facilitating social connections and reducing feelings of isolation. By nurturing a sense of belonging and interconnectedness, plants can contribute to a more positive and supportive workplace culture.

The integration of plants into the workplace offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond mere aesthetics. From boosting productivity and improving air quality to enhancing mental health and fostering creativity, indoor plants have the power to transform office spaces into vibrant, healthy environments where employees can thrive. By harnessing nature’s green, employers can create a more conducive and rewarding work environment that promotes both professional success and personal well-being. So, let’s bring a little bit of the outdoors inside and reap the abundant rewards that plants have to offer in the modern workplace.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care Guide for Beginners

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care Guide for Beginners

Are you a beginner orchid enthusiast looking to dive into the world of Phalaenopsis orchids? Look no further! These elegant and captivating flowers are not only beautiful but also relatively easy to care for, making them perfect for novice growers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to ensure your Phalaenopsis orchid thrives and produces stunning blooms.

  1. Understanding Phalaenopsis Orchids: Phalaenopsis orchids, often referred to as “moth orchids,” are popular for their striking, moth-like flowers. They are native to Southeast Asia and are known for their long-lasting blooms and ease of care.
  2. Light Requirements: Phalaenopsis orchids thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your orchid near a window where it can receive plenty of filtered sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the delicate leaves.
  3. Temperature and Humidity: Phalaenopsis orchids prefer temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) during the day and slightly cooler temperatures at night. They also require moderate to high humidity levels, ideally between 50% to 70%. You can increase humidity by misting the leaves or placing a humidity tray filled with water and pebbles near the orchid.
  4. Watering: Proper watering is crucial for Phalaenopsis orchids. Water them when the potting mix feels dry to the touch, typically every 7-10 days. Ensure thorough watering, allowing water to drain freely from the bottom of the pot. Avoid letting the roots sit in water, as this can lead to root rot.
  5. Potting Mix and Repotting: Use a well-draining orchid potting mix composed of materials like bark, sphagnum moss, and perlite. Repot your Phalaenopsis orchid every 1-2 years or when the potting mix breaks down and becomes compacted. Repotting allows for better airflow around the roots and prevents waterlogged conditions.
  6. Fertilizing: Feed your Phalaenopsis orchid with a balanced orchid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring to fall). Reduce or cease fertilization during the dormant winter months.
  7. Pruning and Maintenance: Remove spent blooms by cutting the flower spike just above a node to encourage new growth. Trim any yellow or dead leaves and inspect the plant regularly for signs of pests or diseases. Proper maintenance will keep your orchid healthy and vibrant.
  8. Air Circulation: Good air circulation is essential for Phalaenopsis orchids to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases. Avoid placing them in stagnant air environments and use a small fan to promote airflow if necessary.
  9. Seasonal Care: During the winter months, protect your orchid from cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. You may need to move it away from windows or provide additional insulation. In the summer, monitor for signs of overheating and provide shade if necessary.

10.Patience and Observation: Finally, remember that growing orchids requires patience and observation. Each orchid is unique, and it may take some trial and error to find the perfect care routine for your plant. Pay attention to its cues, such as leaf color, root health, and overall growth, to adjust your care practices accordingly.

Phalaenopsis orchids are stunning plants that can thrive with the right care and attention. By understanding their basic needs for light, water, temperature, and humidity, you can cultivate healthy orchids that reward you with breathtaking blooms year after year. With a little practice and dedication, you’ll soon become a confident orchid grower, ready to expand your collection and explore the fascinating world of orchid cultivation. Happy growing!



Ficus Elastica Ruby: The Vibrant Indoor Plant That Transforms Your Space

Ficus Elastica Ruby: The Vibrant Indoor Plant That Transforms Your Space


The Ficus Elastica Ruby, also known as the “Rubber Plant” or “Rubber Tree,” is an exciting addition to indoor plant collections. With its striking red and green foliage, this plant brings a burst of color and unique charm to your living spaces.

Meet the Ficus Elastica Ruby

The Ficus Elastica Ruby stands out with its distinctive leaves, which feature vibrant red and green hues. The contrasting colors create a captivating visual effect, making it a standout choice among indoor plants. Additionally, this plant is recognized by various names, including the “Rubber Plant” or “Rubber Tree,” owing to its latex-producing qualities.

Plant Care Basics

Caring for Ficus Elastica Ruby requires attention to several fundamental aspects. These include the following:

  •   Lighting: Ficus Elastica Ruby thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. Inadequate light may lead to the fading of its striking colors, so ensure it receives the right amount of brightness.
  •   Temperature: This plant prefers a temperature range of 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Avoid exposing it to extreme temperature fluctuations, which can stress the plant.
  •   Humidity: Ficus Elastica Ruby enjoys moderate to high humidity levels. To maintain suitable humidity, consider using a humidity tray or humidifier, especially in drier indoor environments.
  •   Potting and Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix that provides good aeration for the plant’s roots. Make sure the container has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Watering and Maintenance

To keep your Ficus Elastica Ruby thriving, follow these watering and maintenance guidelines:

  •   Watering: Establish a regular watering schedule, allowing the top inch of the soil to dry between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so ensure proper drainage in the pot.
  •   Pruning: Pruning is essential to maintain the plant’s shape and size. Trim any leggy growth or yellowing leaves as needed. Regular pruning keeps the plant healthy and visually appealing.


Fertilizing your Ficus Elastica Ruby is crucial for its growth and vibrancy. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, which typically spans from spring to early autumn. Reduce feeding in the winter when the plant’s growth slows down.

Light Variations

The amount of light your Ficus Elastica Ruby receives can affect its appearance and overall health. Variations in light conditions may result in changes in leaf color and shape. Ensure you adapt to your plant’s lighting preferences and adjust its placement accordingly.

Repotting and Growth

Ficus Elastica Ruby may outgrow its container over time. It’s essential to repot the plant when you observe signs of root congestion or if it becomes top-heavy. Generally, repot every 2-3 years to provide ample space for root development. Keep in mind that this plant has the potential to reach heights of 6-10 feet (1.8-3 meters) when mature.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

Common issues with Ficus Elastica Ruby include problems like leaf drop, pest infestations, and root rot. To address these concerns, it’s important to:

  •   Leaf Drop: Leaf drop can occur due to changes in light conditions or overwatering. Adjust the plant’s location and watering habits as needed.
  •   Pest Infestations: Keep an eye out for pests like mealybugs and scale. Apply appropriate treatments and preventive measures to protect your plant.
  •   Root Rot: To prevent root rot, ensure proper drainage in the pot and avoid waterlogged conditions.

Creative Display Ideas

Enhance your living spaces with creative displays of Ficus Elastica Ruby. Consider using decorative pots, macramé hangers, or unique stands to showcase this visually captivating plant. Its vibrant colors make it a stunning focal point in any room.

Combining with Other Plants

Mixing Ficus Elastica Ruby with other indoor plants can create harmonious arrangements. Complementary plants that share similar care requirements can be combined to form captivating indoor gardens. Experiment with various combinations to find the perfect balance for your space.

Benefits of Ficus Elastica Ruby

Aside from its visual appeal, Ficus Elastica Ruby offers benefits such as air purification, improving indoor air quality, and creating a serene and relaxing atmosphere. Its aesthetic qualities and ability to cleanse the air make it a fantastic addition to your home.


Incorporating the Ficus Elastica Ruby into your indoor garden is a wonderful way to breathe life and vibrancy into your living spaces. With its stunning red and green foliage and unique charm, this plant can transform your environment into a lush and visually appealing haven. Embrace the care requirements and creative display possibilities, and let the Ficus Elastica Ruby become a vibrant part of your indoor garden. Happy gardening!

A Guide to Growing and Caring for Phalaenopsis Orchids Indoors

A Guide to Growing and Caring for Phalaenopsis Orchids Indoors


Phalaenopsis Orchids, often referred to as “Moth Orchids,” have captured the hearts of indoor plant enthusiasts around the world. Their stunning beauty and elegant appearance make them a popular choice for those seeking to adorn their homes with a touch of natural sophistication.

Phalaenopsis Orchid Varieties

A remarkable aspect of Phalaenopsis Orchids is their diverse range of varieties and hybrids, showcasing an array of colors, patterns, and sizes. These charming orchids can be found in an extensive palette of colors, from delicate whites and soft pinks to vibrant purples and striking yellows. Whether you prefer solid colors or intricate patterns, there’s a Phalaenopsis Orchid variety to suit your taste.

Planting Phalaenopsis Orchids

When it comes to planting Phalaenopsis Orchids, choosing the right pot or container is crucial. Opt for pots with proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogged roots. The potting medium or mix is equally important. A well-draining orchid mix that allows air circulation around the roots is ideal for ensuring the orchid’s health and vitality.

Light Requirements

Phalaenopsis Orchids thrive under specific lighting conditions. They prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Placing them near an east-facing window or using sheer curtains to filter the sunlight can create the perfect environment for these orchids. Avoid exposing them to direct, harsh sunlight, which can scorch their delicate leaves and flowers.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is essential for the well-being of your Phalaenopsis Orchids. They prefer temperatures between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C) and humidity levels around 50-70%. In cooler or drier climates, consider using a humidity tray or a humidifier to create the ideal conditions indoors.

Watering and Feeding

Watering and feeding your Phalaenopsis Orchids require a delicate balance. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can result in dehydration. Establish a regular watering schedule, allowing the potting mix to dry slightly between waterings. When watering, ensure that excess water can drain away. Additionally, remember to fertilize your orchids using a balanced orchid fertilizer according to the recommended feeding schedule.

Pruning and Repotting

To keep your Phalaenopsis Orchids in top condition, prune dead or yellowing leaves and spent flower spikes as needed. Repotting is a periodic requirement, typically every 2-3 years. When repotting, select the appropriate time, typically after the orchid has finished blooming and during the growth season, to minimize stress on the plant.

Common Pests and Diseases

Phalaenopsis Orchids can be susceptible to common pests like mealybugs and aphids, as well as diseases like root rot and fungal infections. Regularly inspect your orchids for signs of infestations or disease. If issues arise, address them promptly using appropriate treatments and follow preventive measures to protect your orchids.

Orchid Care Tips for Beginners

For beginners, here are some key tips to ensure successful Phalaenopsis Orchid care:


  • Provide the right lighting conditions.
  • Maintain proper humidity levels.
  • Water and fertilize on a regular schedule.
  • Prune and repot when necessary.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases.


  • Overwater your orchids.
  • Expose them to direct sunlight.
  • Neglect their need for humidity.
  • Use regular potting soil.

Orchid Display and Decor

Enhance your home’s aesthetics by creatively displaying Phalaenopsis Orchids. Consider decorative pots, elegant arrangements, and unique hangers to showcase these elegant orchids. With a little imagination, you can transform your space into a haven of natural beauty.

Orchid Enthusiast Communities

Connect with other orchid enthusiasts and seek advice from both online and local communities. There are numerous forums, social media groups, and local orchid clubs where you can share your experiences, learn from others, and develop a deeper appreciation for the art of growing and caring for Phalaenopsis Orchids.


Phalaenopsis Orchids are a delightful addition to any indoor space, offering elegance and charm. By understanding their various varieties, planting requirements, lighting conditions, and care essentials, you can embark on a successful journey of cultivating and caring for these captivating orchids. Remember, the key to thriving Phalaenopsis Orchids is patience, attention to detail, and a deep appreciation for the natural beauty they bring to your home. Start or continue your orchid journey with confidence, and let the allure of these stunning orchids grace your indoor environment. Happy orchid growing!

Tips to Grow & Care Aglaonema Indoor Plants

Tips to Grow & Care Aglaonema Indoor Plants

Indoor plants not only enhance the aesthetics of your living spaces but also contribute to cleaner air and a calmer environment. Among the vast variety of indoor plants, Aglaonema, also known as the Chinese Evergreen, stands out for its vibrant foliage and easy care requirements. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner, cultivating Aglaonema can be a rewarding experience. In this blog, we will explore essential tips for successfully growing and caring for Aglaonema indoor plants.

  1. Understanding Aglaonema

Aglaonema is a popular choice for indoor gardening due to its adaptability to different light conditions and its stunning variegated leaves. Native to Southeast Asian rainforests, this plant comes in various leaf patterns, including silver, green, pink, and red. Understanding its natural habitat will help you create the right environment for its growth.

  1. Choosing the Right Location

Aglaonema thrives in indirect, filtered light. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as it can scorch its leaves. A well-lit room with windows covered by sheer curtains is an ideal spot. It can tolerate lower light conditions, but its growth may slow down. Rotate the plant occasionally to ensure even growth on all sides.

  1. Proper Watering

Overwatering is a common mistake when it comes to Aglaonema care. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering. Stick your finger into the soil to check its moisture level. It’s better to underwater than overwater, as Aglaonema is more tolerant of dry conditions. Use a well-draining potting mix to prevent waterlogging.

  1. Humidity Considerations

Aglaonema appreciates higher humidity levels, which can be a challenge in indoor environments, especially during winter when indoor heating can dry the air. You can increase humidity by placing a tray filled with water near the plant or using a room humidifier. Regularly misting the plant also helps maintain adequate humidity.

  1. Appropriate Potting

Choose a pot that’s slightly larger than the current one, as Aglaonema prefers slightly cramped conditions. A well-draining potting mix consisting of peat, perlite, and pine bark is suitable. Repotting every two years or when the plant becomes root-bound is recommended.

  1. Fertilization Routine

During the growing season, from spring to early autumn, feed your Aglaonema with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks. Reduce or halt fertilization during the winter months when the plant’s growth slows down. Over-fertilization can lead to burnt tips and other leaf issues, so it’s best to follow the recommended dosage.

  1. Pruning and Maintenance

Regularly inspect your Aglaonema for any yellowing or damaged leaves. Trim them off at the base using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. This not only enhances the plant’s appearance but also promotes new growth. Wipe the leaves gently with a damp cloth to remove dust and maintain their ability to photosynthesize efficiently.

  1. Dealing with Common Issues

Aglaonema is generally resilient, but it can still face a few issues. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause dry, brown leaf tips. Keep an eye out for pests like spider mites and mealybugs, especially in warmer months. Quarantine new plants before introducing them to your collection to prevent potential pest infestations.

  1. Propagation Techniques

You can propagate Aglaonema through stem cuttings. Choose a healthy stem with at least one leaf node. Place the cutting in water until roots develop, and then transplant it into a pot. Alternatively, you can root the cutting directly in a potting mix. Propagation is best done during the growing season for higher success rates.

  1. Enjoy the Process

Caring for Aglaonema is a journey that connects you with nature and adds beauty to your living space. Take time to observe its growth, adapt to its needs, and make adjustments accordingly. Each leaf that unfurls is a testament to your care and attention.


Aglaonema is a wonderful choice for both experienced and novice indoor gardeners due to its striking foliage and easy-care requirements. By providing the right amount of light, water, and humidity, along with regular maintenance, you can enjoy a thriving Aglaonema plant that adds a touch of natural elegance to your home. Remember, patience and observation are key as you nurture your plant and watch it flourish over time.

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