Keep the plant in bright, indirect light. Prepare well-draining soil. Keep the soil consistently moist but do not let the plant sit in water. Maintain high humidity levels, possibly requiring a terrarium or indoor greenhouse. Fertilize lightly during the growing season.
Support your crystal anthurium with a moss pole or trellis to climb. Light One of the key conditions to help your crystal anthurium thrive is getting it right with light. These plants are lovers of bright but indirect light. This shouldn’t come as a surprise when, in their native environment, they are sitting under a dappled rainforest canopy.
Too much direct sunlight will damage your plant’s show-stopping but sensitive veined foliage, and too little means you won’t get to appreciate the size and patterns that you would expect. An east-facing window is typically a top spot. If you only have a south-facing position, add a sheer curtain to filter some of the light.