Why Seaweed Fertilisers are

Great for Indoor Plants Growth


By Online Plants NZ

Why Seaweed Fertilizer?

Seaweed has been used for many centuries to promote plant growth. Compared to regular fertilizers, seaweed delivers many advantages to make indoor plants stronger and healthier. When indoor plants are stronger and healthier, they can endure environmental hazards such as dryness, bugs, and diseases. Positively, many plant enthusiasts love incorporating their seaweed fertilizer into their gardens or looking after indoor plants.


Seaweed in ocean

When to Fertilize?

Fertilization is effective to keep an indoor plant healthy. The right time to fertilize an indoor plant is when your plant looks healthy and lushly. Normally, you must fertilize during the spring and summer seasons, and you must NOT fertilise during winter. However, it also depends on the type of plant and your home conditions provide. Plants like tropical variants can keep growing through the whole year, so you would want to keep fertilizing them.


Seaweed Fertilizer we recommend:


About This Fertiliser

BioPower Seaweed Flake is a pure seaweed fertiliser that uses biostimulant extracted from fresh Ascophyllum nodosum, for use on ornamentals, fruit, vegetables and turf to enhance plant growth, improve yields and crop quality.

Active Ingredient

A pure form of Ascophyllum nodosum marine plant extract flake.

The Benefits

Consistent use of BioPower® Seaweed Flake supplements a well-balanced nutritional programme. You can use this fertiliser to:

  • Stimulates the growth of roots and overall plant vigour.
  • Increases the plant’s resistance to stress.
  • Increases bloom set, size of flowers and fruits.
  • Increases and stabilises chlorophyll in plants, resulting in darker leaf colour.

How it Works

How BioPower® Seaweed Flake works on indoor plants:

  • The concentrate promotes stronger stem and leaf growth. It accelerates photosynthesis and further develops healthy foliage.
  • The concentrate contains natural plant growth material including auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins. The trace elements present in BioPower concentrate are in naturally chelated form and are readily available to plants.
  • The concentrate induces flowering, prevents shedding of leaves and prevents fall of unripe fruits.
  • Consists of many plant nutrients including Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium and Boron.
  • Calcium thickens cell walls and is a critical component of a plant’s defence mechanism.
  • Potassium regulates the osmotic potential of the plant. It also activates a number of enzymes including those involved in the production of carbohydrates and promotes cell division and growth.
  • Concentrate reduces transplant shock. It shows an increase in resistance to some fungi, molds, aphids, and mites which attack plants at various stages.
  • Is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides and can be incorporated into a pest management program.
  • Promotes healthy plants which improve a plant’s resistance to adverse growing conditions caused by; disease, insect attack, drought, wet conditions and cold.


BioPower Seaweed Flake Applications

  • Foliar spraying
  • Pot plant root drench
  • Pre germination seed soaking
  • Soil application


Directions for use

Fill the sprayer with the required amount of water and add 10gms of BioPower® Seaweed Flake per 5 litres of water (2gms per litre). Using the measuring cap supplied 5mls = 2gms.

Get your BioPower Seaweed Fertiliser today

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